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Аdaptive physical culture

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Аdaptive physical culture is a basic component of restorative health activities at various developmental disorder. AFK is aimed at mobilization of all locomotor functions, movements corrections in order to core functionality formation of staying upright, walking , manipulative arm action.

While working with children the emphasis should lay on building exercises, breathing exercises. Exercises for strengthening hands work towards  successful acquisition of writing . Exercises for body posture help a child to poise head correctly, to sit up and stand. Due to the space –temporal disorders and motor activity disorders the exercises oriented on correction and development child’s powers , exercises with staves, flags, small and big hula hoops, balls are added to a lesson plan. For development of force and dexterity – exercises with climbing and climbing –over . Equilibrium exercises help to develop vestibular system, attitude control, correct deficiency of mental activity (fear, high self-esteem, fear of height ….) The very important is pitching (rolling ball) whereby dexterity, eye sight, accuracy are developed.



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