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МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Classes with a defectologist

The work of the defectologist (correctional teacher) is based on the study of children with developmental lag, their education, upbringing and social adaptation. The defectologist reveals the origin of the defect, determines the cause and effect relationships in the development of mental functions and studies the social and pedagogical conditions of the child's life.


Canistherapy is one of the types of treatment and rehabilitation of a person with the help of specially selected and trained dogs under the supervision of qualified specialists - canister therapists.
Due to the high level of social behavior of dogs and easy training, this method is one of the most sought-after in working with children.

Classes with a psychologist

Correctly selected methods of psychological help, taking into account the individual psychological features of children, have a positive impact on the dynamics of their mental and personal development. In our garden, various forms of influence are used - recommendatory, diagnostic, psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic.


The game needs a presenter - a psychologist who, playing along with the child, experiencing certain emotions along with him, commenting on what is happening, gradually teaches the child to realize their own emotions and in the future to control them. The game is not planned in advance, is conducted as needed - with a spontaneous change in the state of the child.


An important role in the recovery treatment of violations of the development of static motor functions in children belongs to therapeutic massage, which is a method of mechanical action on the surface tissues of the body, which improves blood circulation, lymph circulation, metabolic processes in muscles, joints and surrounding tissues.

Adaptive physical training

Adaptive physical culture is one of the main components of treatment and rehabilitation work for various developmental disorders. AFC aims to mobilize all motor abilities, to correct motor defects with the aim of forming the basic functions of straightness, walking, manipulative hand activity.

Art therapy

Logopedic work with children suffering from early childhood autism is very lengthy and painstaking. It begins with the definition of speech pathology peculiar to children of this category. Corresponding correction is aimed at overcoming articulatory apraxia, development of auditory attention, phonemic, speech hearing.

Classes with a speech therapist

Logopedic work with children suffering from early childhood autism is very lengthy and painstaking. It begins with the definition of speech pathology peculiar to children of this category. Corresponding correction is aimed at overcoming articulatory apraxia, development of auditory attention, phonemic, speech hearing.

Social Psychology

One of the main tasks of social psychology in working with children with autism spectrum disorders is socialization, i.e. the maximum possible adaptation of them in society.
We teach the ability to dress and undress, take care of yourself, use the toilet, eat food, wash yourself, and so on.

Sand therapy

Contact with sand is an opportunity for self-expression, the residence of one's senses, exploring oneself, talking in body language and symbols, developing symbolic thinking and filling your inner world, this is an opportunity to remove anxiety. Tactile contact and development of fine motor skills will be an additional positive effect for a child with autism.


Rhythmics is the transfer of music through movement. She develops musical and dancing abilities, has a general health-improving effect, develops a muscular feeling, improves mobility of joints, coordination of movements and balance, dexterity, accuracy. Rhythmic exercises contribute to the physical education and strengthening of the child's body.

Music therapy

Music therapy is a psychotherapeutic direction based on the therapeutic effect of music on a person's psychological state.
The main task of therapy is defined: to establish auditory-vocal, auditory-motor and visual-motor coordination, the ability to synthesize them in one activity.


The TOMATIS method is an alternative pedagogical tool and a natural approach to neurosensory sound stimulation. The method helps children in the development of compensatory strategies to overcome learning disabilities and speech disorders, and also naturally stimulates the brain.