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Our space

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"


Our kindergarten does not stop working even during air alerts, which can last for half an hour or five hours in a row. Therefore, we have organized everything so that it is possible not only to hide in the shelter but also to continue the full-fledged learning process. Everything here is thought out to the smallest detail: meals, sanitary facilities, places to sleep, a schedule, and a system of classes that would be comfortable for about 30 children and 20 staff members to be in the room at the same time. During alarms, we hold group classes, do logorhythmics, organize puppet shows, etc. This is extremely important, as the continuity of the therapy process for children with special needs is one of the keys to success. The quality of our shelter has been checked by the state, as evidenced by the relevant act.

Building and territory

The developmental kindergarten for children with special needs “Child with Future” is a separate building with its own closed territory and round-the-clock security. The building is located in the courtyard of a residential area, where it is quiet and there is no heavy traffic. The high fence allows to preserve the microclimate of the kindergarten and the safety of the children. The building has been renovated to meet the needs of children and the organization of work. A safe and comfortable playground has been organized for the children, where they can play in any weather. It is always green and pleasant here!

Online access to video

Our kindergarten has a system of online access for parents to the video cameras of each classroom where classes are held. Thus, parents can observe the work with their child, and see his/her achievements and difficulties. This information is very important for communication with the child at home.


In our kindergarten, we follow a gluten-free and casein-free diet (GFCD). This is due to the fact that most children with developmental delays have problems with metabolic processes, lack of vitamins and nutrients, and digestion. Intestinal activity in such children is significantly lower than average, so the body does not process casein and gluten proteins into amino acids, resulting in headaches, lack of concentration, blurred consciousness, and mood swings.

Daily regime


The territory of the kindergarten is closed. There is a blank fence around the perimeter. Security is provided around the clock. The life of 40 children is provided by 50 adults (total staff). Parents of each of our children have online access through their own unique code to the video cameras located in each classroom.

Individual consultations

We provide families with individual consultations in 2 formats:

  • Consultations for everyone, regardless of whether the child attends our kindergarten or not. The service is provided by a practical psychologist and director of the kindergarten Natalia Struchek. To make an appointment for a consultation, call +38 (050) 352 9097 or write to
  • Consultations of all kindergarten personnel are provided only to those families whose children attend our kindergarten.

Questions about medicine

As part of their own development program, each child is required to undergo a massage course on the territory of the kindergarten. A nurse works in the kindergarten, monitors the menu and diet, complies with medical prescriptions, and provides the necessary medical care, taking into account the characteristics of our pupils. In order to ensure that your child is under full medical control, we ask you to provide the results of all examinations and the doctor’s recommendations to organize quality work. If necessary, we give the parents individualized recommendations on which doctors to visit and what examinations their child needs to undergo.