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МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Dear friends!

Your support is always invaluable to us. Your help to the kindergarten is, first of all, help to special little Ukrainians, to whom our friendly professional team has been giving the joy of a full-fledged future for 13 years in a row.
Despite the difficult times, the kindergarten operates as usual, because time and continuity of the educational process for special children are the main prerequisites for their successes and victories.
Each of your donations is the best investment because it is an investment in the future of our children and Ukraine.
Thank you for your participation and support! 

You can support the “Child with Future” kindergarten through the NGO “Child with Future” by following the requisites:

Beneficiary: International non-governmental organization “Children with autism support foundation “Child With Future”
Short name: INGO “CASF “Child With Future”
Current account №: UA503348510000000002600912120
Beneficiary code: 37038710
Beneficiary bank: АТ “PUMB”, Kyiv city
Purpose of payment: Voluntary donation
Funds are accepted in USD, EURO, UAH

For all organizational issues, please call Director Natalia Struchek at +38 050 352 90 97