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“Misha takes part in all school contests and recieves first prize places” – Oksana Shkabura about the success of our graduate

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

We have recieved a letter from Oksana Shkabura, mother of our graduate Misha, where she shares the success of her son. We are glad for Misha and proud that made efforts for education of such a talanted boy.  

We are confident that Misha has a great future and cannot help waiting for news from Oksana.

“We are living well! Misha is a smart and handsome boy. He delights us with his success! This year we are lucky to have a new teacher at school. She is very tolerant and flexible. I`m not sitting in the classroom. Misha participates in all school contests and gets the first prize places. This year they`ll have transferring exams and before the News year the training works were held at the presence of commission. Thus, Misha have made  11   mathymatics tasks  by himself and ceived exellent mark! He writes dictation perfectly! Moreover, from the first of September Misha is a pupil of a musical school for piano. Twice a week he visites chorus, ear training and basic specialty. He already has success. Your music pedagogue was right, Misha has abilities indeed. He plays melodies by ear  and likes to think up new ones. But that is not all. Starting from the 3-rd of September, Misha goes to hand-to-hand fighting in multi-age usual group.  There he is on a common basis. Coach is super! So, as you can see, we have the maximum loading. But I look at the mood. Thank God, everything is on  the enthusiasm, he likes. The main thing is that time still remains for dope and playing.”

Oksana Shkabura
March 2016

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