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Social psychology

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

One of the primary targets of social psychology working with children with autism spectrum disorder is socialization i.e. social life adaptation. The main goals of teachers are expansion of ideas of environment, touch education, speech development, fine motor skills, visual and motor coordination, also ability to carry out verbal instructions, to follow a response sequence  of actions.

To get around the problem efficiently teacher should gives a grounding skills of self-service which doesn’t happen spontaneously. Acquirement of these skills (ability to put on and undress, look after oneself, use a toilet, eat independently, wash oneself, etc.) is an important step on the way to their independence. Our task – to help these children to gain independence in everyday life, gradually leaving from the physical and verbal help.
Important aspect in the course of training is to control maintenance of a daily regimen.


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