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Our pride is six graduates

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

This year we are sending six our pupils to “free floating”! Our graduates are going to school and ordinary kindergarten. Kids have leant to be independent in everyday life, they love studying. They want and can communicate with peers. Nonverbal kids developed speech. They already possess academic knowledge: figures, letters, some of them can read. In everyday life they learnt to manage with basic tasks: eat and put on clothes by themselves.

Danil, Lev, Sashulias, Vlad, Amina! We wish you to explore new world with pleasure, to learn new things, to form and reach your goals and bring joy to your parents by your success.

We are very proud of you all! We are glad we know you! Looking forward to seeing you ? 

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