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Day: May 25, 2018

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Social workshops, contact zoo, 3С therapy and experience of Rivne – in June issue of “Autism Today”.

Dear friends, we offer you June issue of “Autism Today” (UKR). In this new issue

The special issue of the “Autism Today” journal is correctional camps of Ukraine

Dear readers, to summarize the results of the summer, this August edition collected interesting and

Our Thousand Thanks to PRT company for sweet greeting!

Many thanks to PRT company for sweet congratulation to our children with Saint Nikolay`s Day!

New Year`s magic in our pre-school – photo

It`s impossible to express in words  all those emotions, which feel our children, pedagogues and

Success of the smallest pupil

Meet our smallest pupil – a month ago he celebrated his second birthday. He came