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How beloved gluten-free cakes opened the world of letters, numbers and logical activities

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

“She eats only bread and cottage cheese “Mashenka ”- the first words of Alena’s mom at our interview. Almost every autistic has a problem with food: consistency, a very limited menu, chews badly and other difficulties that parents often encounter. Alena is not an exception. She did not open her mouth, squeezed everything through her teeth, and did not eat meat at all.

For three months of work, we were able to practically solve the problem with food – Alena eats everything in our garden. Do you know how we bribed her? They immediately fell in love with our runnyuten pies по Alena and we gradually, using the pies as our desired “dessert”, helped Alena try out both the zrazy with the liver and the tunic. Now Alena even feeds the brother of the younger house.

Food problems were related to fears of everything new. As soon as we solved the food problem, Alena immediately started a leap in academic development. It opened and today plays not only with mosaic, as before, but tries everything that the teacher shows. She began to react normally to everything new, and not squeak and protest loudly. So sometimes favorite cakes can open a new world to the child whom he was so afraid of before.

* all the names of our students have been changed


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