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Marina Poroshenko and Mykola Kuleba visited our pre-school

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Today, 17 December,in anticipation of Saint Mykolay holiday our pre-school was visited by the First lady of Ukraine, the head of the Petro Poroshenko Charity foundation  Marina Poroshenko and Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children`s rights Mykola Kuleba.  

Guests congratulated children with upcoming holidays and those, in their turn, showed charity performance “Saint Mykolay comes to us”. Also a director of the pre-school, Nataliya Struchek, held an excursion over the organization, told about its work and success achieved.

«This pre-school is one of the first in Ukraine, but I hope that gradually there will be enough of organizations of this kind in our country in order to provide possibility of education to all children with special needs.”, – ukderlined Mrs. Poroshenko.  

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