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Sales on the dolphin therapy for our pupils

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Our pre-school has signed a Memorandum of interaction with Kyiv affiliation of dolphin therapy of “NEMO” culture-health center. Within the frames of cooperation our pupils will receive additional sales for dolphin therapy.

Also the Memorandum will promote the development of complex help  in the sphere of rehabilitation of children with special needs. Due to this cooperation specialists of a pre-school and dolphinarium will be able to change information as regards features of work with children with autism and to improve their skills in this way.

Dolphin therapy is a non-specific method of recovery and rehabilitation of children with psychosomatic and psycho-emotional features, built on three basic principles:

  • therapeutic effect of a dolphin on the human;
  • specially elaborated program of patient and animal mutual interaction;
  • mobilization of adaptive mechanisms of the human body to the unique conditions of therapy.


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