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Tatiana Litvinova, a member of the jury from the TV show “MasterStef”, will develop a gluten-free menu for our children

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"


On September 20, our kindergarten will be visited by Tatiana Litvinova, culinary specialist, restaurateur, TV presenter, jury of the “MasterShef”.

Tatiana will develop a new menu for our pupils. In our kindergarten, all children adhere to a gluten-free and decaf diet. Many children with special developmental needs are obliged to have such diet because of concomitant disorders of the digestive tract. As soon as their stomach starts to work normally and ceases to hurt, they improve both behavior and learning. Therefore, we pay special attention to nutrition.

Tatiana will get acquainted with our children; she will have a look at our special menu and she will give her recommendations on diversity, introduction of new flavors and products which are considered to be   useful for the development of children.

We hope that our cooperation will be long-term and productive.

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