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We invite you to master class on painting, where you can touch and hear the paintings

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Dear parents! February, 21, on Saturday at 12.00 till 14.00 The Studio of socialization “Child With Future” invites your children to free of charge master class on painting of Sergey Ponochenyuk as well as his wonderful exhibition “Poglyad”.

Moreover you and your children will have a possibility not only to see paintings of the artist, but to touch and hear them! Thus, each child will be able to find the most convenient and clear way for him/ her to “communicate” with images of paintings – visual, tactile or with the help of a sound. “Poglyad” opens new possibilities for self-knowledge, understanding of the world and communication with it. Children will also have an opportunity to play educational volumetric puzzles.

We are waiting everyone on Saturday, February, 21 from 12.00 till 14.00 at the Shevchenko Museum at the address

Kyiv, 12, Shevchenko Avenue

Should you have any questions, please, ask curator of the Studio Alyona Sverdlova (050)  444-98-51

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