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МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Canis-therapy (from Latin “canis” — a dog) – one of the types of treatment and rehabilitation with the help of specially selected and trained dogs under supervision of qualified specialists – canis therapeutist. Because of the high level of dog’s social behaviour, canis therapy is one of the most popular types of pet-therapy. Dogs possess some qualities similar to human: emotionality, ability to express their feeling by actions, sounds, reaction to conversational human efforts. Besides, they are easily trained and willingly obey the verbal order.

Canis-therapy is often used as the psychotherapeutic technique furthering to the course of mental and emotional development, improvement of motion functions and motility. Also this method can be used for effective personal development in correction, rehabilitation and social adaptation of children with non-standard features of development.


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