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How “lost” Andryusha found himself

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

You know, there are such children, looking at whom you understand that he is out of this world and somewhere far, far away … And this is how “lost” Andryusha came to us at the age of two a year ago. He did not understand the addressed speech – he did not understand exactly, did not react to the name, did not response the requests, and of course did not speak. He was not interested what was happening in this world, around him. Quite often the situation with autists.

A year has passed and today no one will go into the room, so that Andrew did not look and did not ask who went in, where he went, what he did. It turns out that Andrew is curious 😊 After developing social self-service skills (he eats, dresses, goes to the toilet) for our teachers it was the most difficult thing to introduce Andryusha to group lessons and teach how to communicate in a group. He enjoyed working individually with a speech therapist and a psychologist, as a result of which he spoke and made a leap in development. Classes in groups were given to Andrew more difficult, but after a year of work, he can be said to have fully joined our collective classes.

Andryusha has a little brother, whom he takes care of with pleasure, helps, shares toys. And we are very pleased that for the first time he showed this care in the kindergarten in relation to the kids in the villages.

Andryusha, we wish you in the new kindergarten where you will be surrounded by ordinary children to continue to be caring and curious. We wish to continue to enjoy swimming in the pool with brother and play together. Be sure to invite other kids and over time you will increasingly like to spend time with other children. Let you do it all!


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