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Is it possible to teach an autist to ride a bike? Yes!

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

In our kindergarten, we pay great attention to the physical development of a child with autism or other features. Indeed, despite the diagnosis, it is primarily a child and physical development directly affects mental development. Spring is a great time when we traditionally begin to repeat the previously learned skills of active games on the street and develop new ones. Difficult skills for children with autism and other features are: riding a bike, scooter, roller skates. Coordination games are not just given to our children and, as a rule, parents do not know how to teach their children to ride. Conventional approaches rarely work.

 But our exercise therapy instructors Sasha and Andrey for many years have been successfully teaching our students to ride bicycles and scooters – to their parents joy and the children themselves. This is part of our active games when the weather allows the kids to play longer outside. So this year, our elder children remember how to trash it in the yard (under supervision!), And the kids, along with educators and instructors, learn to keep up with the elders in time.

Riding a bike and scooter – nothing is impossible for our children! Because with the right and integrated approach, we believe and know that they can all 😊

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