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Our kindergarten is waiting for new friends: we are glad to welcome you in the new school year 2023-24!

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

“Child with Future” is a full-day correctional kindergarten for children with autism, speech and psycho-linguistic development delays in Kyiv:

  • A unique institution that offers early intervention services – we enroll children from the age of 1;
  • We prepare children for regular kindergarten/school: 130 classes/month;
  • We ensure the continuity of the educational process – we work even during air raids because we have our own equipped shelter, and in case of an emergency power outage, we have a powerful generator;
  • The institution offers children a balanced diet based on a gluten-free and casein-free diet;
  • We provide consultations to parents from all over the world;
  • We offer a remote development program “Our Child” and appropriate methods for those families whose children do not attend our kindergarten;
  • We are effective, safe and fun, because we spend every minute of our time working with your child!

Why should you choose us? Just look at the feedback from parents:

“How cool are you! Low bow to your work, you are incredible!”

“Our favourite kindergarten, Natalia and the best team, thank you for continuing to give the future to our special children.” 

“The best kindergarten, where every penny spent is worth it. Because real specialists work in a team. We had a very good result” 

“Dear Natalia! Dear educators, teachers, thank you for all the days, for every hour and every minute that you have given us and continue to give us! Thank you for your efforts, education and kindness! We love and appreciate you very much! You are the best!”

“Natalia, good afternoon, I want to thank you and the entire staff for this school year and for taking care of my daughter! See you in September, have a nice and relaxing vacation!”

“It is often quite difficult for me to hold back tears of happiness when I see my son, whose mouth does not close. He is independent and runs happily to play mazes with other children. This cannot be compared with the way he came to the kindergarten – in a diaper and with 5 words in his vocabulary (mom, dad, yes, no, bye) and how my son ran away from such entertainment, covering his ears. You are doing a holy work, really giving the Future to the kindergarten students and their parents. Of course, we still have some work to do, so we will be happy to continue visiting the kindergarten in September, but the obvious progress is already pleasing. Many thanks to you and, God willing, to all the staff of the institution, health, inspiration and joy from the extremely difficult but important work!”

“Many thanks to the teachers of our group, Ira and Lisa, for their invaluable contribution to my son! I would also like to express my special gratitude to Lyudmila and Andrey, who were able to change my child’s mind and reach out to me. My child has a difficult character and I could not have done it without you! I appreciate your professionalism and approach. There were difficulties, but there are more successes.”

“The kindergarten has a real atmosphere of a friendly and strong family, which helps children to realize their potential and gain the necessary and much desired skills. You are the best” 

So we invite kids aged 1 to 6 years to our kindergarten, and their parents to join the circle of like-minded people, friendly and, most importantly, professional support! For advice on enrolling children for the new school year 2023-24, please contact our director Natalia Struchek at 050 352-90-97 or write to

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