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Registration of children for “OUR CHILD” remote development program

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Dear parents! Don’t you live in Kiev? Do you want to increase the level of child development to enroll in a child care institution? Is your baby still too small to be in an institution for the whole day? Our kindergarten conducts a regular registration of children for the individual development program “OUR CHILD”.

“OUR CHILD” is a unique service of our kindergarten which allows you to quickly understand the capabilities and child needs to provide a detailed program on which professionals and parents can work within 6 months. The program prescribes all actions to develop child skills taking into account age characteristics.

Work algorithm:

  1. Initial consultation
  2. Anamnesis
  3. Pedagogical diagnostics of a child (psychologist, speech therapist, rehabilitologist, defectologist)
  4. 6 months individual development program for your child
  5. Program guidance and all the necessary tools: approaches, methods, resume with work priorities for 6 months, answers on parents’ questions.

Registration by phone (050) 352 90 97, Natalia Struchek

Download information booklet


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