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Another 4 children we sent to the normative kindergartens

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Friends, are glad to inform you that we have released 4 more guys who went to normative kindergartens. Each of them has its own story, each of them had their own autistic difficulties when they came to our kindergarten and their success at the release. We are proud of our work:

  • all the guys had a speech
  • significantly improved household skills (eating, dressing and undressing, toilet, etc.)
  • communication skills have reached a new level of development
  • The guys became much more independent.

We wish our graduates to keep it up, to find new friends, understanding and professional educators. We wish our parents not to let go of the bar and the pace that we took together during our education in our kindergarten for children with autism and other developmental features.

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