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At present our meal is not only from the blender, – tells mom Olesya

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

We`ve managed to communicate to Olesya Kvochka, mother of 7-years old Lilya, from Uzhgorod on the very last day of their presence at our preschool. Lilya has been studied since 27, March till the end of July within the frames of the program “Nasha dytyna” (Our child), which works for families from regions at our preschool.

“Lilya has mixed nosology. After studying according to the program our self-service improved. Daughter used to undress herself only, now she has learnt to put on clothes by herself. Her behavior during eating improved as well, we could extend the assortment of food, – presently the meal is not only from the blender. Lilya has become more attentive and assiduous; half an hour of classes without a break is an ordinary affair. Daughter is still nonverbal, but certain moves in this process should be indicated: while self-identification or appeal she responds as if confirming “I am”. Generally, she has become more balanced and calm, and thank to classes she`s become more physically developed.  Before now, while ascending stairs, she moved up only one leg, now both legs are in action alternatively” – Olesya shared Lilya`s success.

We are looking forward to seeing Lilya on September once more in order to continue our way to success.

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