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Congratulate our graduate Bogdan!

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

We congratulate our pupil Bogdan with graduation of our kindergarten! Now new friends are waiting for him in the specialized school! Bogdan has come to us at the age of three. Today he is seven.   For years of education he has achieved huge success.

A boy has learnt to speak, to dress up by himself, to eat, received necessary academic knowledge. Now Bogdan with pleasure contacts with adults, he started to be interested in the world around him. He still has difficulties with formulating his speech in sentences, but his word stock is reach, which allows him to describe a problem with a one word. A boy with a great pleasure takes part in matinees, dances well and even tells poems. We are very proud of his achievements that are the result of Bogdan’s extremely big efforts and hard work of teachers of our kindergarten!


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