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«Excellent dynamics of development» – program “Nasha dytyna” is in action

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Our pre-school is located in Kyiv, but we try to help not only to families-kievans with rehabilitation. There is a special adaptive program of individual development “Nasha dytyna” (Our child) in the pre-school. We invite a child to pass a test, which we usually hold in several phases during  four days. After this period parents receive extended consultation from our specialists and a program of rehabilitation, worked out specially for each child individually, and according to conclusions of the specialists. A family gets not recommendations only, but video-lessons, visual and educational materials. Parents` contribution into the rehabilitation is always significant; however, it cannot substitute specialists. The degree of disorder and concomitant diagnoses should be taken into account as well. At the request of a family a child can stay at the pre-school during the period of realization of the program – for three months. For this time our specialists will do their best to improve a child`s condition at present time and will set a fundament for the future.

Tatiana Tyurina, a mother of Arseniy (3 years) with diagnosis “general development disorder (autistic disorder) with qualitative disorders of social reciprocity, perceptor disorders, receptive and expressive speech disorder (HP – level 1), stereotyped movements (autostimulation)” shared her impressions: “I like everything! We are still within the program now. We can see fundamental results. The dynamics for such a short term is excellent and many goals work on 200 percents”.

Three-months program for Arseniy, Tatiana`s son, had to be finished in April. But in the view of his high dynamics and wonderful progress, the program had been continued and it lasts till now.

For our part, we are empathizing and feel gladness for success of every family. We are wishing further achievements to Arseniy and his parents!

To participate in the program as well as register for a new school year please contact Nataliya Vitalievna Struchek  (050) 352-90-97

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