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“I propose to experiment with flat cakes from corn, buckwheat, amaranth and other flour” – recipes by “Master Shef” jury Tatiana Litvinova

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

“I suggest experimenting with flat cakes from corn, buckwheat, amaranth and other flour. Children will like burritos, meat and fish balls with vegetables, baked in the oven”. Such “tasty” advice from Tatyana Litvinova was received by our chefs during her first visit to our kindergarten. She also suggested introducing more seasonal vegetables and adding spices that help digestion.

“Tatiana’s advice is very important for us, because nutrition is a part of an integrated approach in educational process of children with autism,” said the director of our kindergarten Natalia Struchek. “We hope that together we will be able to produce lots of useful doings for such children, their parents and institutions, where they are engaged in correction and rehabilitation of autism.”

Culinary expert, restaurateur, TV presenter, a member of “MasterShef” jury Tatiana Litvinova will prepare a new menu for our kids.
“For me, children are the most important thing in life. Being a non-standard child in childhood, I understand how important is the social adaptation in society, “says Tatiana Litvinova. – Our task, being adults, is to instill in children the necessary skills for their free life, including through proper nutrition. In order to make the future happy, it is necessary to build its foundation today. “

Tatiana’s visit was the beginning of cooperation between the kindergarten and the expert, since the issue of nutrition is very important for autistics. On the one hand, many of them need to adhere to the gluten-free and decaf diet, on the other – kids need to have different and healthy products. We will work together on this issue. 


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