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Our Anton will go to ordinary school!

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

There is one more graduate we have! Anton is a very creative, talented and intelligent boy and therefore he will go to an ordinary school, to an inclusive class. Anton likes to study a lot and easily masters sciences that are necessary for a future first-former. The most serious difficulty for a boy was his education behavior. Now Anton makes many efforts in order to control himself at lessons, to comply with the order of an answer, do not shout, if you have not been asked, not to be distracted by playing with other children, to structure sentences properly. He is already doing well. 

Likewise for the time of education Anton have managed with tasks: he have learnt to dress up by himself, to concentrate at processes of dressing up and eating, to play with children, to accept the rules of a game and public life. Anton discovered a sense of humor and his creative skills gained brightly colors.

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