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Our guests are representatives of the American Embassy

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Yesterday, on April, 21, our kindergarten was visited by the representatives of the Embassy of USA to Ukraine. During the visit Natalia Struchek acquainted the guests with the main principals of work of the institution, explained its structure as well as held an excursion.

The guests could see with their own eyes how the correction work with children is being implemented.  Got acquainted with the structure of work with a separate child, with classes, assessed the work of the pedagogues. The representatives of the Embassy were interested in issues of quantity of children in the kindergarten, how many of them are going to school and kindergartens as well as from which cities and countries families are arriving in order to be accepted to “Child With Future”.

Thanks to the Embassy of the USA to Ukraine for interest and attention!

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