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Poems of our graduate Misha Shkabura. Video

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

We have received a wonderful letter from Oksana, a mother of our graduate – Misha Shkabura. He discovered a talent of writing poems, especially when he doesn`t want to do home assignment 🙂 Our children are the same as others : they like creativity and less their tasks )))

Spring is a beautiful season!
The weather is splendid in spring!
Flowers bloom in spring!
You and me are meeting spring!

“Can`t help boasting with next Misha`s success.))

This year Misha has become to write poems. Poem about spring is his own composition, one of some. Firstly, I have thought that it is happenstance,  coincidence, but one of his later compositions has dispelled my doubts – He really has a talent ))… A small poem, which is in the video has been written for 10-15 minutes, while left him to solve examples on mathematics, but he did not wanted to do it so much. We are talking about modes for Mainkraft computer game, a very popular thing among modern boys. Misha is raving  – wants to download these modes, (applications, additional possibilities in a game). But all the time he is punished with home assignments. He has to learn, but his thoughts are busy with modes. He wakes up with words, addressed to his father: “Dad, what about modes?” – he`s asking for help to download, but all of them are cracked or harmed by viruses. But boys from his school have different versions of these modes. And he also owns them, but evidently, not of the kind he wants. And instead of home assignment on math he gave me the composition-confession. ))”

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