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Sports for the acquisition of everyday skills. – The rehabilitator of the garden “The child with the future” tells

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

Physical activity helps in solving sensory problems of autistic people, promotes self-regulation and social interaction.

Many people know that for autistic children sports are not entertainment but complexity. Children with PAC require the selection of a special complex of therapeutic physical education. For 7 years the “Child with the Future” garden provides corrective services for special children. Their development, the solution of mental problems, the reduction of anxiety, fears and social adaptation depend on a properly selected and balanced integrated rehabilitation system. About the specifics and benefits of his work told the physical rehabilitation of the garden, Andrei Roman:

“Our group lessons have their own structure and organization. When left barefooted, the children sit down on the stools, then – the turn of greetings, address to everyone by name. After such a ritual you can begin to warm up and directly to physical education. The warm-up lasts about 20 minutes, this is half the lesson, we begin with general exercises, passing to run. The next 20 minutes is a learning process. We focus on new activities – we are coming to the aid of sports equipment. These are manipulations with a hoop, a ball, a whip, a jump. In the course of the classroom it is important to be able to organize the group. Ending the occupation – we say goodbye.

Standard scheme of classes – 4 groups of 8 people, we do about 40 minutes every day. Groups are selected by age and abilities. Someone has to pull up to the group level individually, – there are no perfect coincidences. For this, teachers and educators can be present at the classes as an individual assistant. Thanks to our regular activities, the body’s motility improves, and thanks to the simulation of the habitual human actions, useful skills for fulfilling everyday tasks appear. »

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