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Therapy at the puppet theatre

МГО "Дитина з майбутнім" | INGO "Child with Future"

A performance of a puppet theatre is been holding each Friday in our pre-school at one of the group classes. The point of the event is that we simply tell and show fairy tales for children. We choose ordinary ones – “Three piglets”, “The turnip”, “Ryaba the hen” and others.  We adapt the text in order to make it maximally clear. All children are sitting like in a theatre. In the course of the text the characters appear.

The peculiarity of our theatre is performance with interaction. We involve children in the process and communicate all together. One time it is necessary to call a mouse, the other time we need to sound as a frog. We involve children all the time not to let them distract, but understand the story better.

Sometimes children come to heroes of fairy tales and greet them. We count heroes as they appear at the stage. These performances are interesting and understandable for children as a result. Thank to performances of the theatre children develop perseverance. Later on parents notice that it is much easier to visit any kind of event with a child. We help these children to stop being afraid of loud sounds, a microphone, we teach them to clap and to sit silently.


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