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Category: Our news

How beloved gluten-free cakes opened the world of letters, numbers and logical activities

“She eats only bread and cottage cheese “Mashenka ”- the first words of Alena’s mom

Interview with Natalya Struchek, Director of our kindergarten on the importance of preparing children with special needs for kindergarten

Natalya Struchek, the director of our kindergarten for children with developmental delays, autism and other

How “lost” Andryusha found himself

You know, there are such children, looking at whom you understand that he is out

Is it possible to teach an autist to ride a bike? Yes!

In our kindergarten, we pay great attention to the physical development of a child with

2 years in kindergarten: spoke, started playing with children, preparing for school

Meet Yaroslav, 5.5 years old, diagnosed with classic autism, being studied in our kindergarten for

We started the spring tests of our children

On May 13, we began the traditional testing of your children. The purpose of testing